Labia reduction in Düsseldorf
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At Naturl, we believe that true beauty lies in the individuality of each person and is expressed through their well-being. It is our aim to support you on your way to increased self-confidence and improved quality of life. Our specialization in performing labiaplasty allows us to offer you a solution that not only reduces discomfort, but also increases physical functionality and realizes your aesthetic expectations. We cordially invite you to visit our beauty clinic in Düsseldorf.
Information about labia reduction
What is a labia reduction?
Labia reduction, also known as labiaplasty, is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the size and shape of the labia. This procedure can provide significant relief for women who suffer from discomfort, pain during exercise or intercourse due to the size of their labia. In addition, some women opt for this procedure for aesthetic reasons to achieve an appearance they find pleasing.
Who is a labia reduction suitable for?
Labia reduction is particularly suitable for women who suffer physical or psychological discomfort due to the size of their labia. The aim of the surgical procedure is to improve both physical and psychological well-being. Only those who fully accept their body will feel beautiful. However, women are not always completely satisfied with their bodies. While the term “problem areas” may immediately make you think of your stomach, legs or bottom, sometimes this also includes your own private parts. Many women feel uncomfortable in their bodies because they suffer from their enlarged labia on a daily basis. They don't like to see themselves naked or have inhibitions about showing themselves naked in front of their partner or going to the sauna or swimming pool. Unfortunately, many affected women hardly dare to talk about it, even though they want nothing more than a labia reduction.
The reasons for labia reduction are very individual and depend on various factors. Enlarged labia are often genetic, meaning that women can suffer for years without seemingly being able to do anything about it. In addition, the natural ageing process or even one or more births can cause the tissue in the genital area to slacken. This can result in the labia being perceived as unaesthetic.
Here are some of the main reasons why a labia reduction may make sense:
- Physical discomfort: Affected women often experience pain and discomfort during sporting activities (cycling, horse riding) or during sexual intercourse. Wearing tight clothing can also cause irritation.
- Aesthetic reasons: Many women are unhappy with the appearance of their private parts, which can affect their self-confidence and lead to inhibitions in intimate situations or when undressing in public changing rooms. They strive for a harmonious and symmetrical appearance of the genitals.
- Hygienic problems: Larger labia can make cleaning more difficult, causing discomfort and potential health problems.
- Psychological distress: The size or shape of the labia can cause daily awareness and stress, which can cause significant psychological distress. This can lead to insecurities when being naked or in intimate moments with a partner.
For women suffering from the above conditions, labia reduction can help to achieve a significant improvement in quality of life and self-esteem. However, careful consideration and consultation are crucial to ensure that expectations are realistic and the procedure meets individual needs.

Wie läuft eine Schamlippenverkleinerung ab?
Der erste Schritt auf Ihrem Weg zu einer Brustverkleinerung ist eine umfassende Beratung in unserer Schönheitsklinik in Düsseldorf - von Frau zu Frau. Wir besprechen Ihre Wünsche und Vorstellungen, erläutern den Ablauf des Eingriffs und beantworten alle Ihre Fragen. Dabei sprechen wir auch über mögliche Ergänzungen zum Eingriff - so kann es je nach Indikation sinnvoll sein, eine zusätzliche Unterspritzung der äußeren Schamlippen mit Hyaluron vorzunehmen, um ein optimales Behandlungsergebnis einer Schamlippenverkleinerung zu erzielen. Uns ist es besonders wichtig, dass Sie sich wohlfühlen, wenn Sie in unsere Klinik kommen und keine Hemmungen haben, mit uns über Ihre sehr persönlichen ästhetischen Wünsche zu sprechen. Schließlich möchten wir, dass Sie sich nach dem Eingriff wieder ‚schön‘ fühlen.
Der Eingriff
Der Eingriff dauert etwa 60 bis 90 Minuten. Die Patientin bekommt für gewöhnlich eine lokale Betäubung, kann aber auf Wunsch zusätzlich in einen Dämmerschlaf versetzt werden. Eine Vollnarkose ist in der Regel nicht notwendig. Während des Eingriffs entfernen wir überschüssiges Gewebe und formen die Schamlippen neu, um eine harmonische und symmetrische Erscheinung zu erzielen. Dabei achten wir darauf, die natürliche Funktion und Empfindsamkeit des Gewebes zu bewahren. Das Ziel einer Schamlippenverkleinerung ist es in der Regel, die Größe der Schamlippen so anzupassen, dass die inneren Schamlippen von den äußeren bedeckt werden. Dafür erfolgt meist eine Gewebeentnahme an den inneren Schamlippen, seltener an den äußeren. Um die Heilung zu unterstützen und sichtbare Narben zu minimieren, verwenden wir feine, resorbierbare Fäden.
In der Regel können Sie die Klinik noch am Tag des Eingriffs nach einer kurzen Ruhepause wieder verlassen. Wir versorgen Sie mit allen notwendigen Informationen zur Pflege des Intimbereichs. Es ist normal, einige Tage Schwellungen und Unbehagen zu erleben. Schmerzmittel und kühlende Umschläge können helfen, diese Symptome zu lindern. Die vollständige Genesung und das endgültige Ergebnis der Operation sind in der Regel nach einigen Wochen bis Monaten sichtbar. In der Regel entstehen beim Verkleinern der Schamlippen kaum sichtbare Narben. Noch dazu verheilen sie sehr gut. Dennoch empfehlen wir, auf jede Art von Reibung und mechanische Belastung (wie Sport, Geschlechtsverkehr, Verwenden von Tampons während der Periode) für etwa vier bis sechs Wochen nach dem Eingriff zu verzichten, um eine optimale Heilung zu gewährleisten.
Wie sieht das Ergebnis einer Schamlippenverkleinerung aus?
Nach einer Verkleinerung der inneren Schamlippen können Patientinnen erwarten, dass die inneren Schamlippen eine symmetrische Form annehmen und je nach individuellem Wunsch unauffällig unter den äußeren Schamlippen liegen. Dies führt zu einer sanft geschwungenen und ästhetisch ansprechenden Kontur, wobei die äußeren Schamlippen die inneren vollständig bedecken. Dieses Ergebnis verbessert nicht nur das Erscheinungsbild, sondern mindert auch physische Beschwerden, die durch zu große oder erschlaffte innere Schamlippen entstehen können.
Für die äußeren Schamlippen bietet die plastische Chirurgie ebenfalls Möglichkeiten zur Verjüngung und Modellierung. Ein beliebtes Verfahren ist das Lipofilling, bei dem durch eine kleine Fettabsaugung gewonnenes Eigenfett verwendet wird, um die äußeren Schamlippen aufzufüllen.
Insgesamt gilt es zu beachten, dass die Schamlippen eine zentrale Rolle im Schutz der vaginalen Gesundheit spielen, indem sie den Scheideneingang vor Austrocknung und dem Eindringen von Fremdkörpern bewahren. Daher ist es entscheidend, bei einer Korrektur das natürliche Gleichgewicht zwischen ästhetischer Verbesserung und Erhalt der Schutzfunktion zu wahren.Die Ergebnisse sind normalerweise sehr natürlich und unauffällig. Die Schnitte werden so gesetzt, dass Narben verborgen und kaum wahrnehmbar sind, und verheilen in der Regel fein und blass. Dies trägt dazu bei, dass das Endergebnis sowohl optisch ansprechend als auch funktionell zufriedenstellend ist.
Schamlippenverkleinerung Erfahrungen
Unsere Patientinnen berichten uns nach ihren Schamlippenverkleinerungen von positiven Ergebnissen sowohl in physischer als auch psychischer Hinsicht. Häufig fühlen sie sich nach dem Eingriff wohler und selbstbewusster, da Beschwerden wie Schmerzen beim Sport oder Unbehagen beim Tragen enger Kleidung signifikant reduziert oder ganz beseitigt werden. Ästhetisch sehen viele Patientinnen eine Verbesserung in der Symmetrie und Proportion ihrer Genitalien, was zu einem gesteigerten Selbstwertgefühl beiträgt. In der Regel bleibt die Empfindsamkeit erhalten, da spezielle Techniken verwendet werden, um Nervenschädigungen zu vermeiden.

Our expertise
Why should you choose Naturl for your labia reduction?
As a female surgeon with a deep passion for human aesthetics, I understand exactly what women want and place great emphasis on a sensitive, individualized approach. Since opening my own beauty clinic in Düsseldorf, I have been offering comprehensive, patient-centered care with my experienced team of professionals. With us, you will not only find the highest medical standards, but also a deep understanding of your individual needs and goals. We have years of experience and have already performed over 1,000 operations in our clinic.
The decision to undergo labia reduction is a very personal one. We understand that it takes a lot of courage to approach a doctor with this request. At Naturl, we treat you with great empathy and are there to support you.
What are the advantages of a labia reduction at Naturl?
- Restoration of physical and aesthetic well-being
- Greater self-esteem thanks to labia reduction
- Individual consultation and treatment from woman to woman
- Optional hyaluronic acid injections for an even better result
- Outpatient procedure under local anesthesia in Düsseldorf
- Optimal treatment result with barely visible scars
- Socially acceptable from around the 10th postoperative day
- Lifelong effect

Frequently asked questions
Is a labia reduction the right thing for me?
If you suffer physical discomfort due to labia that are too large, do not feel comfortable in your own body or are considering a reduction in size for medical reasons, this surgery could be the right choice for you. We recommend a personal consultation at our beauty clinic in Düsseldorf to find the best decision for your situation together.
How long is the recovery time after labiaplasty?
The length of the recovery period can vary from patient to patient, but many of our patients are able to return to their usual activities after just a few days. We will provide you with specific advice and instructions to speed up your recovery and make it as comfortable as possible.
Will my ability to feel in the genital region be affected by an intimate correction?
Thanks to our extensive experience and the use of gentle surgical techniques, we take particular care not to injure any nerves that are important for the perception of sensation. The clitoris remains untouched during labiaplasty. For this reason, the sensation in the intimate area usually remains unchanged after the procedure.
At what age is labia reduction surgery possible?
Labiaplasty is usually only performed when the woman's physical development is complete. This means that the procedure is usually recommended for women who have reached the age of 18.
In exceptional cases, labiaplasty can also be considered for younger patients, but only under certain conditions, such as significant physical or psychological stress caused by the condition of the labia. However, such procedures require detailed medical consultation and the consent of the parents or guardians.
What are the risks of a labia reduction?
During our detailed consultation, we will inform you about the specific risks that may be associated with a labia reduction. As with any surgical procedure, there is always a risk of general complications such as bleeding, infection, thrombosis, nerve damage or allergic reactions. Wound healing disorders can occur very rarely.
However, the area of the operation is located in a region of the body that is well supplied with blood, which is why the wounds usually heal without any problems within two weeks with adequate care, sensitivity in the operated area remains unimpaired and pain after the operation is usually minimal. Patients are usually able to return to work about a week after the operation. The scars are inconspicuous as they are placed on the inner edge of the labia minora and are therefore not visible from the outside.
There is a particular risk of overcorrection, where too much tissue is removed from the labia minora. This can lead to permanent problems from a functional point of view and is often difficult to correct. However, this risk is minimized in a specialist plastic surgery clinic with extensive experience in intimate surgery.
How much does a labia reduction cost?
The cost of labia reduction varies depending on the patient's individual requirements and wishes. For example, a treatment with hyaluronic acid may be desired in addition to labia reduction. In general, prices for the procedure at our beauty clinic in Düsseldorf start at around 3,000 euros, plus VAT. As the extent and procedure of the operation are tailored to the specific needs of each patient, the procedures differ from case to case, which means that the final costs may vary accordingly. We will be happy to advise you on this in advance.
Will my health insurance cover the costs of my treatment?
This depends on the type of treatment and the conditions of your health insurance. Some health insurance companies cover the costs of treatments under certain conditions, especially if there are medical reasons. Unfortunately, purely cosmetic treatments are often not covered. We advise our patients to seek thorough advice before making their decision and also to check the possibilities of having the costs covered by their insurance.
How can I finance my treatment?
At our practice in Düsseldorf, we offer you flexible financing options for your treatment. Thanks to our partnerships with specialized financial service providers such as Credit4Beauty and medkred, you can pay the cost of your treatment in convenient instalments. These loans are specifically designed for plastic and aesthetic procedures to ease the financial burden, and we also recommend taking out follow-up cost insurance. This insurance can be extremely useful if additional treatments or corrections become necessary after the procedure.
Our team will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice on the various financing options and find the right solution for your needs.
Before and after pictures of labia reduction surgery
We would like to present you with before and after pictures of labia reduction surgery. Unfortunately, the presentation of before and after pictures is prohibited according to § 11 para. 1 sentence 3 of the German Drug Advertising Act (HWG). We invite you to visit our channels on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook for more insights and updates.
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